Care for Our Vulnerable Neighbors
If elected Supervisor, I will quickly establish a comfortable and safe warming center. The median age of Woodstock’s residents is 61.3. The Town should offer weekend classes for seniors, expand transportation options and organize trips. Let's work with local nonprofits to address the acute lack of childcare in our area.
Protect the Environment
Imagine if your next-door neighbor turned their property into a toxic dump. That happened in Shady but the town has dawdled rather than enforce its laws and remove the contaminated waste. We must finally clean up the Shady Dump that threatens our aquifer. And let's work with top hydrologists to get deadly contaminants out of the water supply.
Public Safety
We should improve coordination with Woodstock's terrific volunteer Fire Department and upgrade the police department. Let's work with neighboring localities, state officials and communications companies to finally fix cellular and broadband dead zones, which endanger public safety. Our government must proactively mitigate potential emergencies but be poised to respond quickly when disasters occur.
Transparent Government
Our local government cries out for reform. Right after the last election, Woodstock's Supervisor rewarded himself with a nearly 20% raise. That decision, which the Town Board approved, was wrong. Let's press the town board to cede its power to give raises to themselves and the Supervisor. If elected, I will aim to impose term limits for elected officials and I promise not to serve more than two full terms.
Improve Infrastructure
I support reimagining the town's public spaces but replacing the decrepit youth center should be a priority. Let's invest in sidewalks that reach Woodstock's new library. Unquestionably, we must create more senior and affordable housing, since the average rent in the 12498 zip code is around $4000 per month. Woodstock's cumbersome website could use a redesign and we should upgrade the town's radio and TV programming. And let's regularly communicate with residents by email and social media.